On 14/10/10 10:58, Ed W wrote:
>  On 14/10/2010 09:48, Tom Hendrikx wrote:
>> # Everytime you remove this line, god kills a kitten
>> include :global "global-spam.sieve";
> My suggestion was to do the reverse of this, ie have the global script
> include the local script - does that work also?

Including a local script from a global one is not possible because the
script is precompiled, and there is only one global precompiled script
for all users.

> The use case there
> would be if you didn't want the user to be able to remove the default
> script from running?

This is what sieve_before is all about. Earlier in the thread,
sieve_before is being rejected as a solution, but i'm not sure why it
isn't applicable here. If your users complain that they cannot see how
their mails are processed by the global configuration, then educate them
(i.e. publish the global script on your intranet for their eyes to see).


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