On 10/12/2010 1:07 PM, Eray Aslan wrote:
On 12.10.2010 18:16, Jerrale G wrote:
We have a lot of users liking both you
It's not me but Stephan Bosch you are looking for. Sorry for the
Pigeonhole would be even nicer with a "skelton directory" specified to
copy a user's scripts from it, to their sieve_dir folder, on the user's
first login of managesieve.
Just place the default sieve script in $sieve_dir when creating the
user, chown to user and you are done.
Ok, I figure I will just keep using the script we are using but I was
referring to automation when other admins who do not know much about
programming, the ones that just maintain accounts in the GUI we have,
add new accounts.
Jerrale G.
SC Senior Admin