#dsync -D  -vv -u s...@nti.uff.br mirror maildir:/CX4/vdomains/
dsync(root): Fatal: Mail locations must use the same virtual mailbox
hierarchy separator (specify separator for the default namespace)

My mail.conf

*mail_location =

*What that error means ?

Before when i used convert before, it worked as expected.

I want to convert  my mboxs to maildir.

Prefered withoud down time.

To do without down time i will do like this.

First i convert like i am trying it above, and after i do this, i run once
again to see if got any new mail after this, i change in my mysql setting of
mail location to /CX4/vdomains/%d/%u/mail/

My mysql settins override the conf file.

But firts i have to make the first command work, anyone has any ideias ?


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