Am 25.06.2010 10:35, schrieb William Blunn:
Xavi Montero wrote:
It has been running for several weeks but from one week ago or so, it suddently dies about once per day.

The only change done in the server one week ago has been to install ntpdate, running once per day in cron-daily.

In the cron reports, ntpdate reports a time-jump of 9 seconds each night. We did this because "apparently" we did not a "soft time drift" installing the full ntp daemon, but I start thinking the time-jump crashes dovecot.
Exactly. On a production server you should alsways set the time on startup against a good source, make sure your timezone settings are correct, anbd then let ntpd keep the time precise using the same source .


- Might this time-jump cause dovecot to die?
It WILL cause dovecot to die. You will see this in the logs once you found them.
- I don't know wehere the dovecot logs are written to. Where do I start searching?

or wherever you configured it to go ....


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