Hi all, my first post.
After years with an old server, a couple of months ago I've installed a
new one.
We use IMAP. After research, I chosed dovecot.
It has been running for several weeks but from one week ago or so, it
suddently dies about once per day.
The only change done in the server one week ago has been to install
ntpdate, running once per day in cron-daily.
In the cron reports, ntpdate reports a time-jump of 9 seconds each
night. We did this because "apparently" we did not a "soft time drift"
installing the full ntp daemon, but I start thinking the time-jump
crashes dovecot.
- Might this time-jump cause dovecot to die?
- I don't know wehere the dovecot logs are written to. Where do I start
Thanks to all!
Xavier Montero - 93 589 71 91 - 630 59 01 62 - xmont...@dsitelecom.com