Quoting Veiko Kukk <veiko.k...@ekp.ee>:

I prefer "don't fix if it isn't broken" philosophy.

Reasonable, as long as the version you are running is still supported...

I don't see that 1.2 is stable enought from what I have read from this list and Changelog.

Some versions are, some are not... I've been running 1.2.11 and found it

From reading changelog (http://www.dovecot.org/doc/NEWS), I did not find functional improvement to justify switching to 1.2 instead of keeping really stable 1.1.

I did (shared folders), but your usage case may be different.  I upgraded
only to get shared folders.  Otherwise, I'd have had no reason either...
Your millage may vary...

Thank you for your suggestions!


Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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