Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> (Mi 26 Mai 2010 18:53:56 CEST):
> On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 23:49 +0200, Heiko Schlittermann wrote:
> >     plugin {
> >        escape_char = "%"
> >     }
> > 
> > should change the escape character to %. But it doesnt. Bug or feature?
> listescape_char, not escape_char.

Hm. Assuming that you're right I've edited now 


(because the information above I've found there seems to be wrong)

> > But more important:
> >     # sieve
> >     fileinto "a.b";
> > 
> > does not work as expected - the folder is visible as "a.b" in a normal
> > imap client - because of the listescape plugin.
> >     # sieve
> >     fileinto "a\\2eb";
> > 
> > works. But the user won't understand this.
> Have you enabled listescape plugin for lda?

No. But now. And I've tested it. It seems to work, for both sieve and
for the „-m“ option of deliver.

I've added some note about this and some example to the above mentioned
Wiki page. (But forgot the write some useful comment :-/)

Thank you for your answer.

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