Hello, bug or feature?
I'm using Dovecot 1.2.11. And because of a migration projekt I'm tempted to use the listescape plugin. If I understood well, it plugin { escape_char = "%" } should change the escape character to %. But it doesnt. Bug or feature? But more important: # sieve fileinto "a.b"; does not work as expected - the folder is visible as "a.b" in a normal imap client - because of the listescape plugin. # sieve fileinto "a\\2eb"; works. But the user won't understand this. Any ideas? Best regards from Dresden/Germany Viele Grüße aus Dresden Heiko Schlittermann -- SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support - Heiko Schlittermann HS12-RIPE ----------------------------------------- gnupg encrypted messages are welcome - key ID: 48D0359B --------------- gnupg fingerprint: 3061 CFBF 2D88 F034 E8D2 7E92 EE4E AC98 48D0 359B -
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