On 2010-05-10 5:22 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
>> They dont match at all (from 1 to 261)...
>> All is leny based, so:
>> - courier-pop    0.60   on one side
>> - dovecot-pop3d  1.0.15 on the other side
> I forgot to send Dovecot's configuration

Please always send output of dovecot -n, not copy/pastes from

> protocol pop3 {
>   pop3_uidl_format = UID%u-%v
> }
> If you have advices, feel free to speak :-)

My advice is - and no offense is intended, but - if you are going to ask
for advice, it might help if you actually listened and tried the
suggestions already offered:

On 2010-05-08 2:09 PM, luben karavelov wrote:
> On  8.05.2010 20:57, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
>>> "Arne K. Haaje"<a...@drlinux.no>  :
>>> This worked great, and as it preserves flags users did not have to
>>> re-download mail. You might want to tune some of the parameters like
>>> wheter to subscribe to folders or not.
>> That's about IMAP switch. Thank you.
>> What about any POP experience?
> I have used courier-dovecot-migrate.pl. You have to use a recent
> version of dovecot (>=1.1) and set the uidl format in the pop3
> configuration. I.e. in "protocol pop3" section, add following:
> pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv

So - you need to:

1. UPGRADE Dovecot (1.0.15 is OLD - latest versions available from
backports), and

2. Adjust the pop3_uidl_format per above...


Best regards,


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