> Mihamina Rakotomandimby <miham...@gulfsat.mg> :
>> Mihamina Rakotomandimby <miham...@gulfsat.mg> :
>> Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,
>> We currently run courier POP .
>> We would like to switch to Dovecot.
>>I encounter problems when migrating the UIDL 
>My current proble is UIDL, just for POP:
>On courier:               On Dovecot:           
>UIDL                      UIDL                  
>[...]                     [...]                 
>252 UID436864-1244045323  252 UID4452-1272985490
>253 UID436865-1244045323  253 UID4453-1272985490
>254 UID436866-1244045323  254 UID4454-1272985490
>255 UID436867-1244045323  255 UID4455-1272985490
>256 UID436868-1244045323  256 UID4456-1272985490
>257 UID436869-1244045323  257 UID4457-1272985490
>258 UID436870-1244045323  258 UID4458-1272985490
>259 UID436871-1244045323  259 UID4459-1272985490
>260 UID436872-1244045323  260 UID4460-1272985490
>261 UID436873-1244045323  261 UID4461-1272985490
>They dont match at all (from 1 to 261)...
>All is leny based, so:
>- courier-pop    0.60   on one side
>- dovecot-pop3d  1.0.15 on the other side

I forgot to send Dovecot's configuration

protocol pop3 {
  pop3_uidl_format = UID%u-%v

If you have advices, feel free to speak :-)

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