Hi Timo, 

Thank you very much for your help!!
I will try to use Dovecot ldap plugin and find is there any patches for 
nss_ldap package.
Since nss_ldap maybe the root cause.

Yours Sincerely,
Jacky Chan

Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi>
Dovecot Mailing List <dovecot@dovecot.org>
07/04/2010 上午 11:51
Re: [Dovecot] Timeout Value

On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 11:48 +0800, jac...@umac.mo wrote:
> > Oh, right, you're using NSS lookups instead of Dovecot's direct LDAP
> > lookups. And the strace output shows it's calling poll(), but Dovecot
> > was compiled to use epoll(). That means the problem is with your NSS
> > configuration/libraries/whatever, nothing to do with Dovecot really.
> How about to configure Dovecot to do LDAP lookups directly to isolate 
> problem?

That would probably help.

> May I ask what is the different between poll() and epoll() ?

Nothing important. What I meant by that above is that strace shows that
the code that's running and eating 100% CPU is either pam_ldap or
nss_ldap, not Dovecot.

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