On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 10:56 +0800, jac...@umac.mo wrote:
> Hi Timo,
> > You do mean all dovecot processes eat 100% CPU, right? And it happens 
> immediately after they start up?
> Not all. For example, we have 2 "dovecot-auth -w". Suddenly one of them 
> will eat 100%. After a certain period of time (short/long, not a 
> constant), another will come up.
> They didn't eat 100% when they start up even.

What about other processes than dovecot-auth -w? When do they start to
eat 100% CPU?

> 10:43:34.728594 write(12, 
> "0\201\376\2\2\30oc\201\367\4'CN=Configuration,DC="..., 257) = 257

At least for dovecot-auth -w it looks like it's doing an LDAP lookup (or
connect) in here. Maybe it keeps rapidly reconnecting to it all the
time?.. Anything in Dovecot's error logs?

But you said other processes also eat 100% CPU, and LDAP doesn't explain

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