On Mon, 2010-03-22 at 11:05 +0100, Thomas Hummel wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:25:45AM +0100, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
> > My idea was to put everybody sharing folders and everybody, who may access 
> > shared folders, into the same group "doveshared", then leverage the 
> > Unix permissions, that this group may access the folders. So I do not need 
> > to use 0777 everywhere.
Oh, I got mixed you two up in my previous reply :)

> So basically, you get to the "single UID virtual users" solution but with GID,
> right ?
> Do you mean your maildirs are all in 0770 <user> doveshared ? But it still
> gives too much permission in general...Especially if your users can access
> their mailboxes outside of IMAP (NFS, CIFS, ...). How do you deal with that ?

You don't need to put all users into doveshared group. You just need to
set mail_extra_groups=doveshared, so only Dovecot processes have such
extra access.

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