Em 06/03/2010 19:12, David escreveu:

Is there any way to modify the queries used to split out username into localpart and domain? This would enable me to put the current quota information in my main mailbox table and display it to users in my admin interface.

i'm successfully using a PHP script for displaying a graph with current quota information in my admin interface. Is this what you're looking for ? Quota usage is taken directly from IMAP server, through IMAP commands.


    i'm actually using a script based on the one found here:


the original script grabs the current usage from database, and i dont have the information there. So i changed it to use imap_open and grab quota directly from IMAP server. Something like:

Changes would be something like:

function draw_bar($mailbox, $width, $height) {
    global $imaphost, $usuario, $senha;
    $mbox = @imap_open($imaphost, $usuario, $senha, OP_HALFOPEN);
    $q = @imap_get_quotaroot($mbox, 'INBOX');
    if ($q) {
        $taken = $q['usage'];
        $total = $q['limit'];
        quota_bar($taken, $total, $width, $height);

that's pretty straightforward when your passwords are stored in clear-text. In my cases password is SSHA256-hashed before storing, so i had to configure a masteruse on dovecot to acchieve that.


    so i have something:

$user = $realuser . "*mymasteru...@local"
$password = "mypasteruserpassword"


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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