I'm trying to kickstart 2.0b3 on my NetBSD system (where 1.2.x works
great!), and keep hitting:
Fatal: service(tcpwrap)
access(/software/dovecot-2.0beta3/libexec/dovecot/tcpwrap) failed: No
such file or directory
Indeed, that file doesn't exist...but I don't have nor want libwrap. It
appears that doveconf includes tcpwrap...
service tcpwrap {
chroot =
client_limit = 1
drop_priv_before_exec = no
executable = tcpwrap
extra_groups =
group =
privileged_group =
process_limit = 0
process_min_avail = 0
protocol =
service_count = 0
type =
user = $default_internal_user
vsz_limit = 4294967295
...but nothing else seems to. Running configure with --without-libwrap
doesn't make any difference (configure doesn't find libwrap anyway).
What am I missing here? How can I use dovecot 2.0 w/tcp wrappers?