On Feb 24, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Michael M. Slusarz wrote:
Quoting Jim Trigg <jtr...@spamcop.net>:
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 08:37:52PM +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
2) Just implement IMAP protocol correctly and efficiently and
pointless settings, such as TB's "server supports folders that have
subfolders". The HOWTO is mainly about this.
Like making "subscribed folders" be the same as "folders that are
checked for new mail" instead of having "subscribe" exist but be
This doesn't make any sense, and is not the purpose of subscriptions.
* I have 100's of sent-mail mailboxes I don't want to be subscribed
to, because it is doubtful I will ever use them. These mailboxes are
unsubscribed because I don't want to see them in any mailbox
listings by default.
This use of subscriptions is a terrible abuse of IMAP. Like most
terrible abuses, it's a-ok to choose for yourself if you're an
advanced user, but anyone who has done support for a broad user base
knows that a client should *NEVER* act like this as the default.
Subscriptions are brittle and non-portable and hiding mailboxes based
on them leads only to floods of "Where is all my mail you screwed up
my life!!!!" interactions.