On 24/02/2010 18:37, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 13:18 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote:
I was wondering if you might take just a few minutes - no need to go
into great detail or anything unless you can do so off the top of your
head and don't mind - and outline what you see as the biggest problems
with all of these sucky IMAP clients, and what things might/could be
done to make them 'suck less'...
Well, I haven't thought about it all that much in detail. Or, actually,
I did write a how-to: http://imapwiki.org/ClientImplementation
1) Online mode: Don't download all message headers at once at startup.
If I open a mailbox, I'm seeing only about 20 messages on screen. That's
all it needs to download. When I scroll the message list, download more
as needed.
Yeah, Take TB's annoying pause when you click into the INBOX where it
declines to jump to the newest messages so you can at least read what
you already downloaded, UNTIL it's checked for any new messages which
arrived in the last few seconds... OE still remains better from that
point of view...
On the Nokia N97 you can get Profimail and it's a pretty good example of
how an internet connect client should probably behave (granted some of
these optimisations change if you assume the server is in the same room
as you on gigabit...)
Ed W