Fire the new manager, eh?
Now you need to keep TWO old addresses working for the same position!
Stop compounding the issue! ;)
Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
Quoting Charles Marcus <>:
On 11/24/2009, Patrick Nagel ( wrote:
2. Add the x-managers account to your replacements email client, so they
can check it as well as theirs.
2. is what we did.
In either case you could also enable the vacation message notification
if you like, but once per day is plenty in this case since someone else
is (or should be) reading the mail).
Well, as I said, they weren't satisfied with that.
So, the guy who is replacing the x-manager has direct access to the guys
email and all incoming messages, but is refusing to accept the
responsibility for it?
Fire the new manager would be my next step.