O/H Timo Sirainen έγραψε:
On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 11:57 +0300, Δημήτριος Καραπιπέρης wrote:
I am missing something on the the pop3 "leave messages" rationale.
Although the UIDL feature solves for the MUA the problem "whch mails
should be downloaded",
how the duration that these mails should be kept on server, say 10 days
for one MUA and 20 days for another MUA for the same account,
is resolved on the server?
I guess you could configure Dovecot to delete mails older than n days
with expire plugin: http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Expire
But I've no idea if it's really a good idea to do that. Some clients
might freak out. Oh and expire plugin would delete messages regardless
of whether client has ever even downloaded them.
Hi there
Definitely imap4 is more sophisticated protocol offering many useful
features. By no means did I try to compare pop3 versus imap.
I am using imap , I have imap servers configured and I suggest to
everyone to use imap.
I just had this question regarding multiple MUA's configuration on the
option "leave messages on server" on the same account, and if there
was an option to cease the mess that different time period setting (on
DELE command) can cause..
thanks for your replies