Hi, if I understand correctly, this feature is 100% client side, so the server does nothing at all. When client connects to the server, the client checks mails date and deletes some of them based on its own settings.
HTH El Viernes 11 Septiembre 2009 a las 10:57, Δημήτριος Καραπιπέρης escribió: > Hi all > > I am missing something on the the pop3 "leave messages" rationale. > > Although the UIDL feature solves for the MUA the problem "whch > mails should be downloaded", > how the duration that these mails should be kept on server, say 10 > days for one MUA and 20 days for another MUA for the same account, > is resolved on the server? > > thanks in advance -- Joseba Torre. Vicegerencia de TICs, área de Explotación