
We've also tried setting the size of the msgs to be the same, just in
case that made a difference. Here is some output from our old mail
server during the test:

+OK uidl command accepted.
1 a=="!(3N"!&D'"!87D"!
2 _fg!!)%>!!Ic>!!-@'"!
3 Yh]!!Zlk"!QfA"!Lj1!!
+OK 3 visible messages (42852 octets)
1 28359
2 2918
3 11575

Here are the same commands against the new server during our test:

1 a=="!(3N"!&D'"!87D"!
2 _fg!!)%>!!Ic>!!-@'"!
3 Yh]!!Zlk"!QfA"!Lj1!!
+OK 3 messages:
1 28359
2 2918
3 11575

As far as i can tell, they are identical.

If i setup the old server in my mail client, it downloads all 3 msgs. If
i then mark them all as "read" and change the hostname of the mail
server to point to the new server, it then downloads the same 3 msgs so
i end up with duplicates in my inbox, despite them having the same UIDLs!

The only difference i can see is that the old mail server has the X-UIDL
header towards the end of the headers, and the new server puts the
X-UIDL header right at the top above all other headers.

Does anyone know what on earth is going on here?

Thanks again!


Richard Hobbs wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks again - your reply will help greatly.
> I have a rather more annoying problem at the moment, best described by
> my conversation in the dovecot IRC channel...
> i've telnetted to 110 on old server
> the "uidl" command shows 3 UIDLs
> uidl command also shows 3 UIDLs from new server...
> trouble is, despite seeing the same 3 UIDLs on the old mail server *and*
> the new mail server, when issuing the "uidl" command through port 110
> after logging in, i just setup the account in my mail client against the
> old server, downloaded 3 msgs, changed the config for the new server,
> and it downloaded the same msgs again!
> ok, on the old server, in the received email, towards the bottom of the
> headers, i see this:
> X-UIDL: a=="!(3N"!&D'"!87D"!
> on the new server, in the duplicate received email, right at the top,
> before any other headers, i see this:
> X-UIDL: a=="!(3N"!&D'"!87D"!
> whaton earth is going on here...
> both now have the same X-UIDL, but are being downloaded separately!
> So... does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks again!
> Richard.
> Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 15:39 +0000, Richard Hobbs wrote:
>>>> That's better actually, you don't then have to add those ~/mail/
>>>> compabilitity namespaces.
>>> Well, i haven't added any ~/mail/ compatibility namespaces knowingly...
>>> i guess they might be in the default config (my version has been built
>>> for debian), but how would i check?
>>> Basically, the problem is that some users have their folders in
>>> "~/mail/" and others have their folders in "~/".
>> This is kind of what I meant by the compatibility namespaces. If some
>> users have ~/mail/ and whatelse, you'll probably want to add such
>> namespaces to Dovecot. See
>> http://wiki.dovecot.org/Namespaces#Backwards_Compatibility:_UW-IMAP
>>> I want to convert both, and also and up with a standard location in the
>>> maildir setup. I guess the best way to do this is to just copy
>>> everyone's mailboxes from "~/" into "~/mail/" before i run the
>>> conversion, right? 
>> That should work, as long as you can find all the mailboxes (or are all
>> files in ~/ mailboxes?)
>>> As long as people don't object to their folders
>>> potentially changing places within their IMAP client, everything will be
>>> OK, right?
>> With the compatibility namespace it should be pretty transparent to
>> clients. Also you'll probably want to set separator=/ in all the
>> namespaces.

Richard Hobbs (IT Specialist)
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. - Cambridge Research Laboratory
Email: richard.ho...@crl.toshiba.co.uk
Web: http://www.toshiba-europe.com/research/
Tel: +44 1223 436999        Mobile: +44 7811 803377

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