
Thanks for the reply... everything seem to be working with regard to my
previous questions now, which is great.

Regarding the ~/mail/ issues though, you said:

> That's better actually, you don't then have to add those ~/mail/
> compabilitity namespaces.

Well, i haven't added any ~/mail/ compatibility namespaces knowingly...
i guess they might be in the default config (my version has been built
for debian), but how would i check?

Basically, the problem is that some users have their folders in
"~/mail/" and others have their folders in "~/".

I want to convert both, and also and up with a standard location in the
maildir setup. I guess the best way to do this is to just copy
everyone's mailboxes from "~/" into "~/mail/" before i run the
conversion, right? As long as people don't object to their folders
potentially changing places within their IMAP client, everything will be
OK, right?

Thanks again!


Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2009, at 8:57 AM, Richard Hobbs wrote:
>> Where should i convert my mbox mailboxes into? "/home/username/Maildir/"
>> or "/somewhere/maildirs/"?
>> Does it actually matter? Is there a standard location that they
>> *should* go?
> It doesn't matter. Maildir/ is a bit more standard, but Dovecot doesn't
> care.
>> Also, having converted the mbox files into maildir files, i do seem to
>> have one email per file, as intended, but the files have names like
>> "1250253965.000586.mbox,S=8167,W=8427:2,S". Should they have the word
>> "mbox" in their filename if they are maildir files?
> The file names don't matter, as long as they're unique. The S= and W=
> parts are about optimizing looking up file sizes.
>> Finally, it appears that our existing IMAP users (all mbox) have
>> mailboxes stored simply in their home directory, not necessarily inside
>> the "~/mail/" directory - is this going to be a problem?
> That's better actually, you don't then have to add those ~/mail/
> compabilitity namespaces.
>> The command i'm using to convert is this one:
>> ./migrateuser.sh username /home/username /vol2/maildirs/username
> I'd have separate "home" and maildir directories. For example:
> home = /vol2/maildirs/username
> mail_location = maildir: ~/Maildir
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/VirtualUsers#Home_directories
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Richard Hobbs (IT Specialist)
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. - Cambridge Research Laboratory
Email: richard.ho...@crl.toshiba.co.uk
Web: http://www.toshiba-europe.com/research/
Tel: +44 1223 436999        Mobile: +44 7811 803377

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