Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 18:18 -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Oh BTW. I think dbmail 2.3 does that. Then again I haven't yet seen a
stable dbmail version. But looks like they've released 2.3.6 recently
that I haven't tested yet.

Looks like it even does single instance header values:
LOL - I started off hijacking this thread for SIS - and now you just invited the next one: Have you done, or are you aware of, recent comparisons between Dovecot & dbmail? I'd like to think Dovecot is faster, more stable, more feature-rich, and less fattening...

I don't WANT dbmail!
The header caching tables used since 2.2 have been replaced with a new
schema, optimized for a much smaller storage footprint, and therefor
faster access. Headers are now cached using a single-instance storage
pattern, similar to the one used for the message parts. This change
also introduces for the first time the appearance of views in the
database, which is somewhat experimental because of some uncertainties
with regard to the possible performance impact this may have.

But somehow I think the performance isn't going to be very good for
downloading the full header if it has to piece it together from lots of
fields stored all around the database.
Do you have performance concerns for what we've been discussing for SIS in Dovecot?

We can spin off some other threads if you'd prefer to return to your original question - but I guess the question on everybody's (well, at least mine) mind right now is will YOU try to implement SIS in the near future? Regardless of the backend used?


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