Hi Stephan, Op 03/08/2009 om 21:40:49 +0200, schreef Stephan Bosch: [snip] > On the more positive side, I have implemented support for the new > mailbox extension (RFC 5490), which provides the means to test whether a > mailbox exists. [snap]
I would very much like to start using sieve as a procmail replacement. The lack of date handling in sieve is holding me from doing so. I think you are aware of rfc5260, may I suggest it as a feature request? -- Leo Baltus, internetbeheerder /\ NPO ICT Internet Services /NPO/\ Sumatralaan 45, 1217 GP Hilversum, Peperbus (12.103) \ /\/ beh...@omroep.nl, 035-6773555 \/