Hello Axel,

attached is a small tool to test fchown on a freshly created file:

These are the tests I've made using this tool:

0) compile
   > xlc /tmp/t.c -o /tmp/t

   >mount | grep -E "(filer0|hd4)"
            /dev/hd4         /                jfs    Jun 11 23:25 
   filer0   /vol/mail        /net/var_mail    nfs3   Jun 11 23:26 
   filer0   /vol/home        /u/f0            nfs4   Jul 06 08:09 

1) local filesystem => SUCCESS
   > /tmp/t /tmp/test.txt
   fchown returns 0

2) NFS3 filesystem => SUCCESS
   > /tmp/t /net/var_mail/spool/test.txt
   fchown returns 0

3) NFS4 filesystem => ERROR
   > /tmp/t /u/f0/test.txt
   fchown returns -1
   errno=22 (Invalid argument)

So I should alter the to subject to
     ... with AIX, NFS4 and netapp ...

Back to your question:

> Wouldn't it be worth to check what kind of entity gets created under
> your environment?

yes and it's just a raw file

and as suspected conclusion

EINVAL is returned because the owner or group ID is not a value supported
by the implementation (of NFS4 on netapp filers?)


Axel Luttgens schrieb:
> According to the posix specification, fchown may return EINVAL when the
> owner or group ID is not a value supported by the implementation, or
> when the fildes argument refers to a pipe or socket or an fattach()-ed
> STREAM and the implementation disallows execution of fchown() on a pipe.
> Wouldn't it be worth to check what kind of entity gets created under
> your environment?
> I ask because I wouldn't exclude without further investigations the
> possibility of encountering other side effects wrt files throughout the
> code.


 Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Becker     Rechenzentrum (r/ft) der FH Trier
 (Network|Mail|Web|Firewall)           University of applied sciences
 Administrator                           Schneidershof, D-54293 Trier

 Mail:   beck...@fh-trier.de                    Fon: +49 651 8103 499
 WWW:    http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr        Fax: +49 651 8103 214

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