Hi Timo,

dovecot 1.2.0 is great! Faster and more stable on mboxes that 1.1.x by
far... good job :-)

Today I stumbled over a strange problem when I tried to subscribe an
existing Mailbox (mbox), which doesn't work.

Thunderbird IMAP log
9932[4124558]: 40f3498:imap.fh-trier.de:A:SendData:
                11 subscribe "Mail/Archiv/1998"
9932[4124558]: ReadNextLine [stream=403f280 nb=108 needmore=0]
9932[4124558]: 40f3498:imap.fh-trier.de:A:CreateNewLineFromSocket:
                11 NO [SERVERBUG] Internal error occurred.
                Refer to server log for more information.
                [2009-07-06 08:14:32]

Server log
Jul  6 08:14:32 trevi mail:info dovecot: IMAP(beckerr):
  Namespace Mail/: Using permissions from
  /u/f0/rzuser/beckerr/Mail: mode=0700 gid=-1

Jul  6 08:14:32 trevi mail:err|error dovecot: IMAP(beckerr):
  fchown(/u/f0/rzuser/beckerr/Mail/.subscriptions.lock, -1, -1)
  failed: Invalid argument

Jul  6 08:14:32 trevi mail:err|error dovecot: IMAP(beckerr):
  file_dotlock_open() failed with subscription file
  /u/f0/rzuser/beckerr/Mail/.subscriptions: Invalid argument

The error just appears on NFS mounted shared and I'm not sure if
AIX or netapp is the cause. So to determine the real problem is
not easy, but to fix it is:

While uid and gid are both -1 the call could be suppressed, because
nothing is really changed:

--- ./lib/file-dotlock.c.org    2009-07-06 09:25:14.000000000 +0200
+++ ./lib/file-dotlock.c        2009-07-06 09:24:48.000000000 +0200
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
        fd = file_dotlock_open(set, path, flags, &dotlock);

-       if (fd != -1) {
+       if (fd != -1 && (uid != -1 || gid != -1)) {
                if (fchown(fd, uid, gid) < 0) {
                        if (errno == EPERM && uid == (uid_t)-1) {
                                i_error("%s", eperm_error_get_chgrp("fchown",


 Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Becker     Rechenzentrum (r/ft) der FH Trier
 (Network|Mail|Web|Firewall)           University of applied sciences
 Administrator                           Schneidershof, D-54293 Trier

   Mail: beck...@fh-trier.de                    Fon: +49 651 8103 499
    Web: http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr        Fax: +49 651 8103 214
 PubKey: http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr     Crypto: GnuPG, S/MIME

 Wenn Gott gewollt haette, dass E-Mail in HTML geschrieben wuerden,
 endeten Gebete traditionell mit </amen>. (Tom Listen)

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