> At 02:00 PM 5/27/2009, Seth Mattinen wrote:
>> You're going to need something in front of the two servers to abstract
>> the connections (another poster recommended ultramonkey) if you want
>> them both to be serviced by the same IP address. My suggestion was to
>> use active/standby, where the standby doesn't "up" its mail IP unless it
>> detects the primary is dead, typically through some kind of heartbeat;
>> not separate clients across the two servers.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "client"; do you mean instances of dovecot?
> wouldn't that be two server instances, each running it's own copy of
> dovecot?

Yes, two totally separate servers, either running shared storage (still
a common failure point, unless you have redundancy there too) or one
that waits in the wings in standby mode until the primary fails using
DBRD or something else to keep the mail stores in sync.

Their website explains it all better than I can:


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