Thomas Hummel schrieb: > Hello Timo, > > I'm running dovecot-1.1.8 and I'm about to play with namespaces and shared > mailboxes. > > I've read on the list that the Kolab people did contribute to that, and I read > at > > "+ Full support for shared mailboxes and IMAP ACL extension." > > I'd like to know the differences between shared mailboxes support between 1.1. > and 1.2 branches and if it may be considered "safe" to use shared mailboxes on > a production server running 1.1.8+ dovecot version (i.e. is it working and > how, > compared to the upcoming 1.2 release). >
> I guess part of the answer is in the diffences between shared and public > namespaces handling. yes and imap_acls > > Thanks > 1.2 latest works nice with shared namespace and imap_acls over horde/imp works nice too but the code mutates a lot at present cause its only alpha stage for now but its great coding work !!! -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer Germany/Munich/Bavaria