Hello Timo,

I'm running dovecot-1.1.8 and I'm about to play with namespaces and shared
I've read on the list that the Kolab people did contribute to that, and I read
at http://dovecot.org/doc/NEWS-1.2

  "+ Full support for shared mailboxes and IMAP ACL extension."

I'd like to know the differences between shared mailboxes support between 1.1.
and 1.2 branches and if it may be considered "safe" to use shared mailboxes on
a production server running 1.1.8+ dovecot version (i.e. is it working and how,
compared to the upcoming 1.2 release).

I guess part of the answer is in the diffences between shared and public
namespaces handling.


Thomas Hummel       | Institut Pasteur
<hum...@pasteur.fr> | Pôle informatique - systèmes et réseau

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