Forgot to attach the dbx output... *Sigh*

Anyway, here it is.
- Peter
(dbx) cont                                      
stopped in i_stream_unref (optimized) at line 20 in file "istream.c"
   20   {
(dbx) print stream
stream = 0x100253a30
(dbx) print *stream
*stream = 0x1002b4290
(dbx) print **stream
**stream = {
    v_offset     = 3961U
    stream_errno = 0
    mmaped       = 0
    blocking     = 1U
    closed       = 0
    seekable     = 1U
    eof          = 0
    real_stream  = 0x1002b4240
(dbx) cont
stopped in i_stream_unref (optimized) at line 20 in file "istream.c"
   20   {
(dbx) print stream
stream = 0x1002692b0
(dbx) print *stream
*stream = 0x1002b4290
(dbx) print **stream
**stream = {
    v_offset     = 3961U
    stream_errno = 0
    mmaped       = 0
    blocking     = 1U
    closed       = 0
    seekable     = 1U
    eof          = 0
    real_stream  = 0x1002b4240
(dbx) print *((**stream).real_stream)
*(**stream).real_stream = {
    iostream            = {
        refcount            = 1
        close               = 0x1000eff48 = 
&`imap`istream-file.c`i_stream_file_close(struct iostream_private *stream)
        destroy             = 0x1000effa4 = 
&`imap`istream-file.c`i_stream_file_destroy(struct iostream_private *stream)
        set_max_buffer_size = 0x1000ee4f8 = 
&`imap`istream.c`i_stream_default_set_max_buffer_size(struct iostream_private 
*stream, register size_t max_size)
        destroy_callback    = 0x100080e00 = 
&`imap`index-mail.c`index_mail_stream_destroy_callback(struct index_mail *mail)
        destroy_context     = 0x100269128
    read                = 0x1000effd4 = 
&`imap`istream-file.c`i_stream_file_read(struct istream_private *stream)
    seek                = 0x1000f0270 = 
&`imap`istream-file.c`i_stream_file_seek(struct istream_private *stream, 
register uoff_t v_offset, bool mark)
    sync                = 0x1000f02e8 = 
&`imap`istream-file.c`i_stream_file_sync(struct istream_private *stream)
    stat                = 0x1000f0328 = 
&`imap`istream-file.c`i_stream_file_stat(struct istream_private *stream, bool 
    istream             = {
        v_offset     = 3961U
        stream_errno = 0
        mmaped       = 0
        blocking     = 1U
        closed       = 0
        seekable     = 1U
        eof          = 0
        real_stream  = 0x1002b4240
    fd                  = 9
    abs_start_offset    = 0
    statbuf             = {
        st_dev     = 0
        st_ino     = 0
        st_mode    = 0
        st_nlink   = 0
        st_uid     = 0
        st_gid     = 0
        st_rdev    = 0
        st_size    = -1
        st_atim    = {
            tv_sec  = 1221059662
            tv_nsec = 0
        st_mtim    = {
            tv_sec  = 1221059662
            tv_nsec = 0
        st_ctim    = {
            tv_sec  = 1221059662
            tv_nsec = 0
        st_blksize = 0
        st_blocks  = 0
        st_fstype  = ""
    buffer              = 0x1002b43a0 "Return-Path: <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>\nReceived: from ( 
[])\n^Iby (8.13.6/8.13.6) with ESMTP id 
l2N8cXJg022066\n^Ifor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:38:35 +0100 
(MET)\nReceived: from (localhost [])\n^Iby (Postfix) with ESMTP id 476273EE67;\n^IFri, 23 Mar 2007 
00:38:25 -0800 (PST)\nX-Original-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:" ...
    w_buffer            = 0x1002b43a0 "Return-Path: <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>\nReceived: from ( 
[])\n^Iby (8.13.6/8.13.6) with ESMTP id 
l2N8cXJg022066\n^Ifor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:38:35 +0100 
(MET)\nReceived: from (localhost [])\n^Iby (Postfix) with ESMTP id 476273EE67;\n^IFri, 23 Mar 2007 
00:38:25 -0800 (PST)\nX-Original-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:" ...
    buffer_size         = 4096U
    max_buffer_size     = 8192U
    skip                = 3961U
    pos                 = 3961U
    parent              = (nil)
    parent_start_offset = 0
    line_str            = (nil)


(dbx) print (*(struct index_mail *)_mail)->data.destroying_stream
(*((struct index_mail *) _mail)).data.destroying_stream = 0

(dbx) where                                                     
  [1] __lwp_kill(0x0, 0x6, 0x1000e7934, 0x1a1a80, 0x0, 0x0), at 
  [2] raise(0x6, 0x0, 0x1000e8338, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffff7ecec000, 
0x0), at 0xffffffff7eb71110 
  [3] abort(0x1, 0x1b8, 0x1000e7934, 0x1a1a80, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xffffffff7eb4a68c 
  [4] i_internal_fatal_handler(type = ???, status = ???, fmt = ???, args = ???) 
(optimized), at 0x1000e8338 (line ~150) in "failures.c"
  [5] i_panic(format = ???, ... = ???, ...) (optimized), at 0x1000e7934 (line 
~197) in "failures.c"
=>[6] index_mail_close(_mail = ???) (optimized), at 0x10008180c (line ~1091) in 
  [7] index_mail_free(_mail = ???) (optimized), at 0x100081d78 (line ~1279) in 
  [8] mail_free(mail = ???) (optimized), at 0x100091214 (line ~18) in "mail.c"
  [9] imap_fetch_deinit(ctx = ???) (optimized), at 0x10002cc14 (line ~392) in 
  [10] cmd_fetch(cmd = ???) (optimized), at 0x10001c5e0 (line ~74) in 
  [11] client_command_input(cmd = ???) (optimized), at 0x100028890 (line ~580) 
in "client.c"
  [12] client_handle_input(client = ???) (optimized), at 0x100028fe0 (line 
~670) in "client.c"
  [13] client_input(client = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000291cc (line ~725) in 
  [14] io_loop_handler_run(ioloop = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000f2614 (line 
~204) in "ioloop-poll.c"
  [15] io_loop_run(ioloop = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000f1bb8 (line ~320) in 
  [16] main(argc = ???, argv = ???, envp = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000391b8 
(line ~293) in "main.c"

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