Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 13:23 +0200, Peter Eriksson wrote:
>> Maildir on NFS
> This is the first time I've heard this happening with maildir. It's
> always been with mboxes before.
>> IMAP process crashes for certain (many, but not all) users when
>> accessing certain folders (in the example below, in crashes when
>> accessing my INBOX, about 1700 mails). I could access other
>> mailboxes without problems. And a simple telnet to the imap port
>> followed by a login works fine.
> Any idea what the users were doing when it crashed? Was it just opening
> the mailbox or opening some mail or deleting/copying mails?

I can trigger this issue by the following sequence of IMAP commands:

    telnet dovecot imap
    0 login peter <super-duper-secret-password-goes-here>
    1 select inbox
    2 fetch 1 body.peek[]

After the fetch command I will get the message sent to me
and then the connection goes away. ("2 OK Fetch completed."
is _not_ printed)

A debugger attached to the imap process after the inital login
has been handled gives the following traceback:

(dbx) where
  [1] __lwp_kill(0x0, 0x6, 0x1000e7934, 0x1a1a80, 0x0, 0x0), at
  [2] raise(0x6, 0x0, 0x1000e8338, 0xffffffffffffffff,
0xffffffff7ecec000, 0x0), at 0xffffffff7eb71110
  [3] abort(0x1, 0x1b8, 0x1000e7934, 0x1a1a80, 0x0, 0x0), at
=>[4] i_internal_fatal_handler(type = ???, status = ???, fmt = ???, args
= ???) (optimized), at 0x1000e8338 (line ~150) in "failures.c"
  [5] i_panic(format = ???, ... = ???, ...) (optimized), at 0x1000e7934
(line ~197) in "failures.c"
  [6] index_mail_close(_mail = ???) (optimized), at 0x10008180c (line
~1091) in "index-mail.c"
  [7] index_mail_free(_mail = ???) (optimized), at 0x100081d78 (line
~1279) in "index-mail.c"
  [8] mail_free(mail = ???) (optimized), at 0x100091214 (line ~18) in
  [9] imap_fetch_deinit(ctx = ???) (optimized), at 0x10002cc14 (line
~392) in "imap-fetch.c"
  [10] cmd_fetch(cmd = ???) (optimized), at 0x10001c5e0 (line ~74) in
  [11] client_command_input(cmd = ???) (optimized), at 0x100028890 (line
~580) in "client.c"
  [12] client_handle_input(client = ???) (optimized), at 0x100028fe0
(line ~670) in "client.c"
  [13] client_input(client = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000291cc (line
~725) in "client.c"
  [14] io_loop_handler_run(ioloop = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000f2614
(line ~204) in "ioloop-poll.c"
  [15] io_loop_run(ioloop = ???) (optimized), at 0x1000f1bb8 (line ~320)
in "ioloop.c"
  [16] main(argc = ???, argv = ???, envp = ???) (optimized), at
0x1000391b8 (line ~293) in "main.c"

(dbx) frame 6
Current function is index_mail_close (optimized)
 1091                   i_assert(!mail->data.destroying_stream);
(dbx) list 1085
 1085           }
(dbx) list
 1086           if (mail->data.filter_stream != NULL)
 1087                   i_stream_unref(&mail->data.filter_stream);
 1088           if (mail->data.stream != NULL) {
 1089                   mail->data.destroying_stream = TRUE;
 1090                   i_stream_unref(&mail->data.stream);
 1091                   i_assert(!mail->data.destroying_stream);
 1092           }
 1093   }
 1095   static void index_mail_reset(struct index_mail *mail)

> Some kind of a way to reproduce this would be helpful. Or I guess in
> your case even a backtrace, since all the previous ones have been with
> COPY command and mbox.

I've tried a couple of different compilers and optimization settings now
and the results are as follows:

Sun Studio 12:
-g -fast -m64   FAILS
-g -O -m64      FAILS
-g -m64         WORKS
-fast -m64      FAILS
-g -O -m32      WORKS

GCC 4.3.0:
-g -O -m64      FAILS
-g -m64         WORKS
-g -O -m32      WORKS

Ie: Optimized 64 bit code fails. Other variants works.

Hmm.. Perhaps some 64 vs 32 bits issue somewhere? Pointers passed as
32 bit ints due to missing prototypes somewhere?

I saw the other mail regarding imap problems (subject: imap crashes
with SIGSEGV). The machine I'm running this on is a Sun Fire T1000
that have a CPU with 6 cores and 4 threads per core - ie, it looks
like a 24 CPU multicore machine. Perhaps a related issue?

- Peter

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