On Nov 27, 2007, at 10:23 AM, Matthias Kellermann wrote:
Nikolay Shopik schrieb:
On 26.11.2007 18:57, Matthias Kellermann wrote:
Nikolay Shopik schrieb:
You forgot to insert this one, where users sieve files stored.
plugin {
sieve = /var/mail/store/%u/sieve
Thanks for your answer Nikolay. But I think this won't do the trick.
This setting will override the global setting as well. At the
moment I'm
using the default location for the sieve scripts in the user's
home dir.
Very strange but in my case global rules still works even if user
their own sieve rules. So spam still moved to junk folder ;).
Hmm, so you have an entry like this in your LDA section:
global_script_path = /usr/local/etc/sieve/spam
Where spam is the file with the global sieve rules. Then you have the
following entry in the plugin section:
sieve = /var/mail/store/%u/sieve
Where sieve ist the per-user sieve file, right? Is /var/mail/store the
same location where you save the user's email?
Well my global script path little bit different,
sieve_global_path = /var/mail/sieve/global.sieve
but it doesn't really matter.
Yes that's is correct /var/mail/store is path of my maildir store
with users folders inside.