On 26.11.2007 16:50, Matthias Kellermann wrote:
Hi list,
I'm trying to get a global sieve mailfilter with per-user sieve scripts
to work.
At the "lda"-section in the dovecot.conf file I have:
global_script_path = /usr/local/etc/sieve/spam
require "fileinto";
if header :contains ["Subject"] ["***Spam***"] {
fileinto "Spam";
which will work fine delivering Spam Mails in a Spam dir for every user.
If a user creates his own .dovecot.sieve file the global script will not
work anymore.
How can I enable global and local per-user sieve scripts at once? Is
this possible? Do you know any workaround so all users will have the
same (Spam-)sieve filters beside there own (global templates or so)?
You forgot to insert this one, where users sieve files stored.
plugin {
sieve = /var/mail/store/%u/sieve