On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 11:58 +0200, Johannes Berg wrote:
> Hi,
> > > Usually dspam is able to either pick out the user from the signature
> > > (uid in signature setting for dspam) or from the user it's running
> > > under. I guess you're running some virtual user setup?
> > > 
> > 
> > Hmm, with my dspam patched or unpatched (to ignore the domain in the
> > case of patch) this doesn't work for me. I am definitely NOT using
> > virtual users (I have always had problems with doing that on qmail,
> > sendmail and postfix, so I avoid it if possible).
> So your imap binaries are running as the real users? Oh. Do you use the
> dspam client/server setup?

You mean dspam as --deamon? Yes, that was the recommendation in the
documentation stating it was highly recommended not to do the other
method. So, yes, my postfix file calls amavisd (for clamscan) which
feeds it back into postfix which then calls dspam.

> > I believe we should fix it, if dspam would allow, to learn it as spam
> > using --corpus or what not if that is still available and the
> > appropriate option. However, this wasn't my complaint.
> Ah, it would allow that, but I'm not sure that's desirable. I'd have to
> look into the dspam docs more as to when you want to use that etc.

If you decide it is a good idea, I wouldn't mind helping out.

> Hmm. How did that mail end up in SPAM when it doesn't have a signature?
> I only move mail into SPAM that was classified by dspam as SPAM so hence
> also has a signature.

As I see it, dspam creates its .sig files. I do not believe these are
kept around long term. Therefore, it is possible that the signature file
disappears before one could move something out of SPAM (or into it, but
I don't care about that). Am I misunderstanding something?

> > Anyway, I hope the patch I sent a moment ago helps. I took the idea from
> > the acl plugin. I am not sure if it works in a virtual environment or
> > not.
> I don't know if it works there either :) I'll try the patch on my system
> and if it doesn't break anything I'll roll it in. Don't hold your breath
> though, it'll probably take me a week or two.

At least it works for non-virtual at the moment.

> johannes

Sounds good. Have a great day.

"Be not defeated twice, once by circumstances and once by oneself." --
Lowell L. Bennion

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