I would just add to this that simply putting a dovecot-acl file in a
shared folder with "user=<username> <permissions>" does work just fine
for us (without the complicated setup described below). Our problem is
that group-based restrictions don't work at all (i.e. "group=<groupname>
<permissions>", as described in the manual).

I'm also trying to figure out what the force-group ACL identifier is
supposed to mean.

.... I gotta stop hitting "reply" for this list. I keep accidentally sending messages to the original authors rather than to the mailing list :)

Jim Horner wrote:
In courier-imap, we were able to take advantage of the maildir structure
and standard unix users/groups to allow 'decsstaff' members to have full
write access while 'decsall' members only have r/o unless also a member of

-rw-rw-r--  1 postlocal  decsstaff  37597 May  5 23:37
drwxrwxr-x  2 postlocal  decsstaff  24576 May  5 23:37
drwxrws---  6 postlocal  decsall  4096 Apr 22 18:08
/egr/mail/shared/decs/.support.In drwxrwsr-x  34 postlocal  wheel  4096 May
 1 07:23 /egr/mail/shared/decs
ontrol/vprgs:INDEX=%h/Maildir/dovecot/public/indexes/vprgs namespace:
  type: private
  separator: /
  prefix: mail/
  hidden: yes

  acl: vfile:/usr/local/etc/dovecot-acls

I use shared folders. I posted a while back about my setup. There have been a few changelogs since then concerning ACLs. My setup might be whacked but it still continues to work. The simplest example I have is root mail. I have mail folders
drwxrwx---  4 rootmail users /home/services/mail/rootmail/Maildir
     drwxrwx---  4 rootmail users ../.RootmailFolder
     drwxrwx---  4 rootmail users ../.RootmailFolder.general

To get around ACL plugins downside of being unaware of namespaces I create a "RootmailFolder" underneath Maildir. No one else probably (hopefully) will have a folder named that. If they did then the permissions in the ACL plug-in directory would override "owner permissions". Were that to happen then you could just put a dovecot-acl file in the user's directory to compensate though this is a fuzzy part... this used to work but I haven't needed to test it so I don't know if it does still.

I then created a general folder under that. I have a sieve script which pumps all mail into the general folder. So this is rootmail's "inbox". I did this as a workaround.

<might not be needed nor work anymore>

If you actually want a user 'rootmail' to use an imap client and log into their mailbox then you would create a file

all the files contain:

user=rootmail lrwstie

</might not be needed nor work anymore>

To use the ACL plug-in files must be create in this directory:

  acl: vfile:/usr/local/etc/dovecot-acls

so I have (using your path) files:


These files contain

user=jhorner lrwstie

My namespace is setup as:

namespace public {
    separator = .
    prefix = ROOTMAIL.
location = maildir:/home/services/mail/rootmail/Maildir:CONTROL=%h/shared-settings/rootmail/control:INDEX=%h/shared-settings/rootmail/index
    hidden = no
    inbox = no

Everyone can see the namespace but no one but me can access the namespace because RootmailFolder is only accessible by me. Those who do try to access a forbidden folder get a curt techie error. However, most clients do not show the namespace because there aren't any folders underneath the namespace that are accessible so this is not a problem for me.

I also have a COMPANY share setup similarly. However there are many many folders underneath this share and different people can access different folders and I accomplish that using the ACL plug-in similar to above.

I used to use Courier and I was able to duplicate shared folders via the ACL plug-in though the folders are now one level deeper, i.e. ROOTMAIL/RootmailFolders/general as opposed to ROOTMAIL/general (namespace/foldername). Some users did complain. Oh well... most are still breathing.


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