The shared mailbox and all its files and subdirectories are owned by the 'dovecot' user and by the 'domain users' group that all users belong to. The ACL restrictions cause a reduction (i.e. more fine-grained constraint) in privileges. In other words, at the system-file level, everyone can read the directory/files, but at the ACL level, only members of some particular list of groups should be able to read them.

And as I said, the user=<username> constraint seems to work fine, but group=<groupname> does not. It looks like the group=<groupname> constraint just never matches anyone. So I might have group=admins and "joeblow" is in group admins, but Dovecot thinks that he isn't.

Adam McDougall wrote:
What are the directory and file permissions of your shared folder,
and do your <permissions> cause an increase or reduction of permissions
compared to the dir and file permissions, or some of both?
On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 02:47:40PM -0400, Matt Zukowski wrote:

   I would just add to this that simply putting a dovecot-acl file in a
   shared folder with "user=<username> <permissions>" does work just fine
   for us (without the complicated setup described below). Our problem is
   that group-based restrictions don't work at all (i.e. "group=<groupname>
   <permissions>", as described in the manual).
I'm also trying to figure out what the force-group ACL identifier is
   supposed to mean.
.... I gotta stop hitting "reply" for this list. I keep accidentally sending messages to the original authors rather than to the mailing list :)

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