Paul Wouters via Datatracker <> writes:

>        This document retires the use of ECC-GOST within DNSSEC.
> I know ECC-GOST is the mnemonic for value 12, but I think it is confusing 
> since
> there is another GOST that is also ECC? Maybe say:
>       retures the use of GOST R 34.10-2001 (mnemonic "ECC-GOST")

Changed, thanks!

> In the Security or Operational considerations, it would be mentioned
> this was never deployed beyond a few test zones and the Russian NIC?
> And it should say those using it fall back from DNSSEC to DNS, but
> that is not a big concern because it never saw any real deployment.

I'd (personally) rather just stick to the facts about the algorithm
itself -- I don't think the document needs deployment status to make its
case.  IMHO.
Wes Hardaker

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