On Tue, 7 Jan 2025 17:24:57 +0100
Peter Thomassen <peter=40desec...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Hi Stefan,

Hello Peter,

> Thanks for your feedback. The below fixes will be included in the
> revised submission that will be published soon (probably today or
> tomorrow).

Thank you for your work, my reactions are below.

> On 12/27/24 12:09, Stefan Ubbink wrote:
> > In section 3.2 (Child-specific Method) it says:
> > "It is also possible to publish child-specific records, where the
> > wildcard label is replaced by the child's FQDN with the parent
> > zone's labels stripped."
> > 
> > I think it would be better to have a text like: "It is also
> > possible to publish child-specific records, where instead of the
> > wildcard label, a child's FQDN with the parent zone's labels
> > stripped, in used."  
> Good suggestion, we now have:
>     It is also possible to publish child-specific records, where in
> place of the wildcard label, the child's FQDN with the parent zone's
> labels stripped is used.

That's a good replacement of the original text.

> > In section 4 the text contains "parent registry", where most of the
> > rest of the text uses "parent operator". Is this intentional? I
> > would think using "parent operator" everywhere in the document
> > would make it better.  
> Registry is usually avoided because it is not a DNS term. OTOH, in
> Section 4, "operator" doesn't seem right to me, because the zone
> operator could be some entity different from the registry, which is
> why we used "registry". But you're right, it's an ugly inconsistency.
> We've fixed it by using "parent side" in this section (e.g., "the
> child DNS operator generally is unaware of whether the parent side
> consumes CDS records or prefers CDNSKEY"). Hope that addresses the
> concern!

Yes, thank you.

> > In section 4.2.1 I wonder why MUST the agent domain be a
> > subordinate or equal to one of the NS hostnames?
> > Maybe I am missing a good reason why it cannot be just a hostname
> > listing for reports.  
> I added:
>     This is to prevent malicious
>     senders from causing the NOTIFY recipient to send unsolicited
> report queries to unrelated third parties.

I thought that would be the reason, I think it makes more clear.

> > Section 4.3 (Processing of NOTIFY Messages):
> > Would it be useful to add "The report query will be out of bound of
> > the NOTIFY query and response sequence" or similar to the section
> > that talks about the EDNS0 Report-Channel?  
> Fair! We added:
>         Reporting may be done
>         asynchronously (outside of the NOTIFY transaction).

Thank you.

Stefan Ubbink
DNS & Systems Engineer
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