Reviewer: Petr Špaček
Review result: Almost Ready

I was assigned as the dnsdir reviewer for draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7958bis-04.

For more information about the DNS Directorate, please see

Summary: Almost ready

There is tangible progress from version -03. Version -04 addressed certain
under-specifications in the format.

At the moment there is ongoing discussion in dnsop WG. Main topics include:
- one structural XML issue (publickeyinfo element optional instead of mandatory
vs. backwards compatibility) - Security Considerations (various comments by me
& Michael StJohns) - overall meaning/scope of the document (Michael StJohns)

Roughly 6 people participated in this discussion including one author and AD.

More detailed review of changes made to version -04 was already posted by me

Threading broke during the discussion. The latest parts of the thread are at:
- (root
of thread branches) - (leads
to discussion of scope) -
(focuses just on the XML and Security Considerations)

Hopefully the links are more useful than copy & pasting text here - that would
result in third separate thread... HTH

Petr Špaček

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