Il giorno mer 24 lug 2024 alle ore 22:24 Scott Johnson <> ha scritto:

> > it would
> > be break signatures (eg on API payloads and on emails,
> Funny you should mention email, as I am in the process of constructing a
> working implementation in a dedicated multi-world simulation network. I
> don't see smtp to be so difficult.  The rest of the more modern functions
> tangental to smtp, like DMARC, smtps, etc. can come after this return to
> first principles.

I'm mostly concerned about signatures for integrity check and sender
identity check. PGP and its derivatives, for example (here in Italy we have
the PEC system, a government standard to send emails with integrated
integrity check, it would be broken).

> API payloads?  Via what delivery?  http(s)?  Not breaking that would come
> down to good parsing.

Any delivery, with an integrity signature system.

> > and it wouldn't
> > work on transmissions which are encrypted on a message level (encrypted
> > documents, emails).
> Again, users who are encrypting messages will understand the "country
> code" analogy, IMHO.  It is rocket science, after all :)

Still we'll present to the end user a possibly broken URI, exposing them to
phishing and other nasty things.

> >
> > Why are you against leaving the current TLDs implicitly on Earth by
> > default?
> Why do you think I am.  Just to be sure, can you expound on what that
> means, exactly?  Use only new, discrete TLDs on other worlds?  I have no
> problem with that.  I have already been willing to back off a new TLD on
> Earth because of the cost/paperwork/etc necessary.  Given that we can map
> 3rd level domains to the same hierarchy to access off world resources,
> with no change necessary to the terrestrial DNS, it was a technical
> solution that worked and prevented having to run the ICANN gauntlet
> with a dump truck full of cash.

If using local hierarchies is somewhat needed, I'll default the currently
existing TLDs on the Earth, while defining new hierarchies for the other
planets. "org." will be on the Earth, "org.mars." on Mars. It would
introduce some asymmetry, giving the Earth a special place, but Earth is
indeed special.
Lorenzo Breda
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