On Jun 28, 2024, at 12:47, Ben Schwartz <bemasc=40meta....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
> The practice of DNS Load Balancing -- sending different answers to different 
> resolvers to optimize latency and avoid overload — 

A request - can you call this “Traffic Engineering via DNS” (or “DNS Traffic 

When I first saw this I had a to do a double-take because DNS Load Balancing 
also refers to the practice of sending queries to different servers behind a 
load balancer.

It is conceivable that, instead of ECS, which raises the ire of privacy 
enthusiasts, a name server could return a single “formula” that a recursive 
server could use to determine what answer to pass onward.  The formula would be 
large (in bytes) though, making this a “pipe dream” in the current DNS protocol.

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