For clarity, I meant: "... adoption by the DTN WG ..." - forgot I was posting 
to 2 WG mailing lists.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Taylor []
> Sent: 27 June 2024 09:46
> To: Scott Johnson
> Cc: Mark Andrews; Erik Kline; dnsop;;
> Subject: [dtn] Re: [DNSOP] Re: Re: Re: IPN and CLA RRTYPEs to support Bundle
> Protocol RFC9171
> Hi Scott,
> <chair hat on>
> I absolutely sympathise with your need to "grab an RRTYPE and make
> progress", but there is a process choice to be made here:
> * Do DNSOPS want the RRTYPE registrations to integrate with the wider work
> of the DTN working group?  In which case discussion like this must continue,
> and the document should be adopted by the WG.
> * Or is everyone happy to register the RRTYPEs as "ScottJ and colleagues need
> some unique RRTYPEs for the solution they're working on - no alignment  with
> the wider work of the DTN WG implied"?  I would propose calling the RRTYPE
> NODEID not IPN to make this clear, and not have the reference specification
> be an IETF document.
> I'm genuinely not trying to scupper this work.  I'm actually happy with either
> approach, I'm just trying to ensure moving fast doesn't accidently set
> perceived standards that then consume WG cycles in the future to align with
> current work.
> But before we consume too much more of all of our time, a decision needs to
> be made on the approach, and I think Erik (DTN AD), the DNSOPS Designated
> Experts/Chairs and Scott need to discuss their preferred options.
> We have "Naming and addressing" as part of the DTN WG charter, so this work
> could be adopted if the WG is willing, but that may not suit Scott's timeline.
> Cheers,
> Rick
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