An obvious correction “LTP--v6” -> “LTP-v6”

For IPN why isn’t the wire format two network 64 bit integers?  That is 16 
bytes.  Also 2^64-1 is 20 characters so 2 64-bit numbers separated by “." is 41 
characters.  It’s not clear where then 21 comes from.

Limit CLA characters to Letter Digit Hyphen rather than the full ASCII range.


> On 25 Jun 2024, at 08:19, Scott Johnson <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> After reading the recent discussion about WALLET, I am hesitant to jump into 
> the fray here, but this plainly is the correct group to help me get my logic 
> and syntax right, so here goes:
> I submitted requests to IANA for IPN and CLA RRTYPEs, these representing the 
> missing datasets necessary to make a BP overlay network connection from data 
> found by DNS queries.
> For those not familiar, BP is a store and forward mechanism generally used in 
> high latency situations where there does not exist constant end-to-end 
> connectivity.  It was designed for deep space networking, however has network 
> segments and application uses which overlay the terrestrial Internet.  There 
> will arise similar use cases on the Moon (in the reasonably near future) and 
> Mars whereby low latency, constant connectivity exists, thereby making use of 
> DNS in these situations viable.
> My Expert Reviewer asked for an i-d, to clarify the requests, and that said 
> i-d be sent to this list for review.
> Please find the approptiate draft here:
> Relevant IANA requests:
> I have the BP community also reviewing this, but they are generally in 
> agreement as to use.
> Thanks,
> Scott M. Johnson
> Spacely Packets, LLC
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