Hi All,

After reading the recent discussion about WALLET, I am hesitant to jump into the fray here, but this plainly is the correct group to help me get my logic and syntax right, so here goes:

I submitted requests to IANA for IPN and CLA RRTYPEs, these representing the missing datasets necessary to make a BP overlay network connection from data found by DNS queries.

For those not familiar, BP is a store and forward mechanism generally used in high latency situations where there does not exist constant end-to-end connectivity. It was designed for deep space networking, however has network segments and application uses which overlay the terrestrial Internet. There will arise similar use cases on the Moon (in the reasonably near future) and Mars whereby low latency, constant connectivity exists, thereby making use of DNS in these situations viable.

My Expert Reviewer asked for an i-d, to clarify the requests, and that said i-d be sent to this list for review.

Please find the approptiate draft here:

Relevant IANA requests:

I have the BP community also reviewing this, but they are generally in agreement as to use.

Scott M. Johnson
Spacely Packets, LLC

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