I was meaning to send a more meaningful message.

WALLET has the following paragraph that should have prevented it being approved
because multi-line continuation can be anywhere in a record and there is no way
actually write a zone file parser and also do the requested behaviour.

"None of the characters in either the <currency_abbrev> or
<display_value_of_address> are special. For example, a backslash
character (U+005C) does not act as an escape character of any sort.”

Note the opening ‘(‘ occurs before the type is defined so one can’t event 
multi-line parsing after processing the type is specified.

% cat multi-line.db
@ ( SOA . . 0 0 0 0 0 )
@ NS .
% named-checkzone -D example multi-line.db
multi-line.db:1: no TTL specified; using SOA MINTTL instead
zone example/IN: loaded serial 0
example.       0 IN SOA . . 0 0 0 0 0
example.       0 IN NS .

Now the specification of WALLET doesn’t disallow ‘)’ as a currency identifier.

I know people don’t like having to deal with escape processing but that isn’t
actually negotiable.


> On 23 Jun 2024, at 12:57, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
> Turning off escape processing prevents turning off multi line processing. 
> -- 
> Mark Andrews
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Mark Andrews, ISC
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