On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 9:19 AM John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2 May 2024, Scott Morizot wrote:
> > ??? RFC 8624 is explicitly guidance to implementers not  operators. The
> > "MUST NOT" means MUST NOT implement in a conforming implementation of
> > either signing or validation software. That's not an opinion. It's what
> the
> > text says.
> The word "software" does not appear in RFC 8624.  I think it is evident
> from the text that the implementers are the people using DNS software and
> signing the zones.
> Ondřej and Paul wrote the RFC so perhaps they can tell us what they meant.

I would be curious about that since it's not how I'm used to "implementer"
used in any DNS context. And it also would mean this sentence in the
section would then make no sense.

  "This perspective may differ
   from that of a user who wishes to deploy and configure DNSSEC with
   only the safest algorithm."

I think we need a clean update to RFC 8624 first that includes instructions
to update the table. I don't think the current draft does that very well.
And since the
IANA table already has a Zone Signing column, I think we just want to
change that one
so it has more than a yes/no option per algorithm and then add a Validation

Once that has been adopted then there will actually be columns to update
published at IANA.

But in any context I've seen over the years the DNS implementers have
always been the ones who develop and maintain the supporting
tools and software. Users, operators, and terms like that have
referred to those of us who deploy and administer authoritative
zones and recursive resolvers.

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