Dear WG,

After the premature start of the first Working Group Last Call (WGLC) for
draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8109bis by the chairs, a second WGLC was initiated on
October 10, 2023.

The document has remained relatively stable over the past two years, except
for the addition of missing sections in the latest version in October. A
DNS Directorate Review occurred in August, and the chairs aim to conclude
the WGLC and advance the draft through the process.

For those interested in verifying changes from the original RFC8109, a
side-by-side comparison with the last draft can be viewed here:

As a holiday season gesture to the DNSOP chairs, kindly review the document
and share your feedback on the mailing list. If you believe the document is
ready as is, feel free to voice your support.

The WGLC closes next week, Saturday, December 24.

Thank you,

DNSOP mailing list

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