Hi Murray!

Op 17 sep. 2023 om 08:07 heeft Murray Kucherawy via Datatracker 
<nore...@ietf.org> het volgende geschreven:

> I thought the IESG (though maybe not this particular one) had previously
> discouraged publishing "living documents" like this one in the RFC series.  So
> why aren't we doing this as a wiki page or something?  Not a hill I care to 
> die
> on, but I'd like to understand.

I find it handy when I write a document that includes DNS terms to cite the 
current terminology document rather than make up my own definitions. 

The particular citation I use in a document matches the meaning of the terms 
that were intended in my document. Definitions change from time to time, but 
the intention of my document remains clear even if subsequent terminology 
documents are published. 

How do I do that with a wiki page?


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