On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 11:58 AM Edward Lewis <edward.le...@icann.org>

> E.g., while preparing this message I tried these two dig messages:
> dig somename.cloudflare.com a @ns3.cloudflare.com.
> and
> dig somename.cloudflare.com a
> The first returned NXDOMAIN, the later NoError/NoData.  If I were a human
> trying to figure out a problem with a wildcard not matching, the difference
> between these two responses would be significant.  (The reason existence is
> defined in the wildcard document is that existence matters when applying
> the synthesis rules.)

You've probably stumbled across Cloudflare's differential behavior for DO=0
DO=1 queries. With non-DNSSEC queries it provides a vanilla, unsigned
NXDOMAIN response. With DNSSEC enabled queries, it provides the
Compact Answer NODATA response.

Your 1st query probably was DO=0. For your 2nd query, I assume the recursive
server that you used sent DO=1 queries upstream by default.

Yes, this is kind of confusing, and I'm not particularly a fan of this

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