Op 07-02-2023 om 16:45 schreef Paul Wouters:> I find the valid use of the name "invalid" to be pretty horrible. An
engineer looking at a catalog might quickly believe
the invalid is a bug where it should have shown a real domain. Why not _catalog.arpa or something ?

We, the co-authors, actually prefer producers to use a domain they own (because no chance on collisions with consumers from multiple producers). I've done a commit to express that more clearly. The new text is:

``It is RECOMMENDED to use a domain name owned by the catalog producer if possible, or if that is not possible use a name under a suitable name such as "invalid." [RFC6761].''

in commit:



A mangled quote (eg ") made it into the document

I notice this in the diff indeed!, but in the uploaded XML it was no different than other quotes. Note also that the mangled quote does not appear in the txt and html rendering of the document. So I guess it's a bug in the iddiff viewer...

Willem Toorop on behalf of the draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-catalog-zones co-authors


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